Select the first category you wish to enter from the list below.
Expand the category, Click ENTER NOW. Register to set up your account. When registering, you will receive an email, click on the link to validate your account or add the validation code. You will need to do this before you can complete your entries. Alternatively, part complete your entry, your information is automatically saved, return later, login using the YOUR ACCOUNT tab in the menu and complete the entry.
To submit your entry, agree to the terms and conditions then click the COMPLETE button at the bottom of the page.
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You can download a PDF package of all categories, required documentation and judging criteria.
Entries deadline has been extended to Monday, February 26 at 10:00 a.m..
Best Project Branding & Identity, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the graphic and creative elements of a marketing campaign for a mid/high-rise development. The submissions will be judged based on the brand’s overall graphic appeal, brand cohesion, and project positioning.
Best Project Branding & Identity, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the graphic and creative elements of a marketing campaign for a low-rise development. The submissions will be judged based on the brand’s overall graphic appeal, brand cohesion, and project positioning.
Best Organic Social Campaign
This award recognizes the best organic social media campaign to help sell a new residential or mixed-use development or builders’ brand. The social campaign should demonstrate a robust content strategy through a multi-channel approach.
Best Brochure, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the best sales brochure for a builder/developer or new residential or mixed-use mid/high-rise development.
Best Brochure, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the best sales brochure for a builder/developer or new residential or mixed-use low-rise development.
Digital brochures or flip books are permitted.
Best Site Signage
This award recognizes excellence in project signage and can include any combination of signage used to promote a project and/or direct purchasers to a sales office or site such as billboards, A-frames, hoarding, etc.
Best Website
This award recognizes the best website for a new residential or mixed use development or developer, which can include project micro-sites, campaign landing pages or corporate websites.
Best Short Video (<45 sec.)
This award recognizes the best short video, 45 seconds or shorter, created to help sell a new residential or mixed-use development or a builders’ brand.
Best Long Video (>45 sec.)
This award recognizes the best short video, 45 seconds or longer, created to help sell a new residential or mixed-use development or a builders’ brand.
Best Rendering, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the best exterior of a mid-rise or high-rise development, and how well it showcases the development’s design and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.
Best Rendering, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the best exterior of a low-rise development, and how well it showcases the development’s design and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.
Best Amenity Rendering, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the best amenity rendering of a mid-rise or high-rise development, and how well it showcases the development’s amenities or community amenities which will be delivered as part of the project, and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.
Best Home Interior Rendering, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the best home interior rending of a low-rise development, and how well it s showcases the home’s interior design and amenities which will be delivered as part of the home, and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.
Best Home Interior Rendering, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the best home interior rending of a mid/high-rise development, and how well it s showcases the home’s interior design and amenities which will be delivered as part of the unit, and the effectiveness of the rendering as part of the marketing program.
Best Experiential Marketing Campaign
This award recognizes the best use of an experiential marketing campaign to promote real life connections through experience and events. The focus of this award is to demonstrate a unique strategy around IRL (In-Real Life) experience where builders and developers are challenged with creating out of the box events to engage their target audience.
Best Advertising Campaign, Paid Media (Pinnacle)
This award recognizes the best a paid media advertising campaign for a builder/developer or a new residential or mixed-use development.
Best Overall Marketing Campaign (Pinnacle)
This award recognizes the best overall marketing campaign for a builder or new development. The winning campaign will be an example of excellence in integrated marketing.
Best Suite Design (900 sq ft or less)
This award recognizes the best architectural design for a suite 900 sq. feet or smaller in a mid-rise or high-rise development. To be eligible, a minimum of six (6) suites of the same designs must be available for sale within the development.
Best Suite Design, Large (>900 sq ft)
This award recognizes the best architectural design for a suite in a mid-rise or high-rise development. This award is open to suites larger than 900 sq. feet.
Best Innovative Suite Design
This award recognizes excellence and innovation in the design of a suite that showcases creative use of space and functionality. This award is open to all suites mid-rise or high-rise developments.
Best Model Suite
This award recognizes the best model suite for a mid-rise or high-rise development.
Virtual model suites are permitted, provided they render the complete unit, including materials and furnishing descriptions (not a single room or component).
Best Mid-Rise Building Design (Pinnacle)
This award recognizes excellence in the architectural design of a mid-rise building (4 to 11 storeys).
Best High-Rise Building Design (Pinnacle)
This award recognizes excellence in the architectural design of a high-rise building (12 storeys or higher).
Best Single-Detached House Design
This award recognizes the best architectural design for a single-detached house in a new development of 15 or more homes. This award is open to a production house of 3,500 sq. feet or less which showcases creative use of space.
Best Single-Detached House Design, Large
This award recognizes the best architectural design for a single-detached house in a new development of 15 or more homes. This award is open to a production house that is larger than 3,500 sq. feet.
Best Semi/Townhouse Design
This award recognizes the best architectural design for a semi-detached house or townhome in a new development of at least 6 units. This award is open to a house of any size.
Best Innovative House Design
This award recognizes excellence and innovation in the design of a detached, semi-detached or townhouse that helps provide/increase home choices for entry-level consumers and/or features creative use of space. This award is open to a production house that is in a new development of 15 or more homes.
Best Model Home
This award recognizes the best model home for a new development.
Virtual model homes are permitted, provided they render the complete home.
Best Salesperson or Team, Low-Rise
This award recognizes excellence in an on-site sales representative or team employed by a BILD low-rise builder or broker member.
Ignat Kaneff Inspiration Award (Pinnacle)
This award is presented to an individual or member company committed to supporting employee enrichment and inspiring others to grow in their chosen career, whether through company initiatives that support career growth, professional development or providing mentorship opportunities for students, newcomers to Canada, or those entering the industry.
Applicants have a pattern of action that inspire others to grow in their chosen career. Applicants have a passion for career development, demonstrated by their commitment to employee enrichment programs, scholarship and/or mentorship opportunities in local communities.
Best Salesperson or Team, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes excellence in an on-site sales representative or team employed by a BILD mid/high-rise builder or broker member.
Best Presentation Centre
This award recognizes the best presentation centre, for a specific project, or a presentation or sales centre for multiple projects by a builder.
In the description box explain the design, layout, customer experience and results of the presentation centre, and provide any supporting visuals information about the presentation centre to address critieria. Virtual presentation centres are permitted, provided they display the complete centre.
Best Customer Care
This award recognizes the best customer care program or initiative.
For this award, customer care is considered how people are treated when interacting with a builder's brand. This includes all experiences with the company and its employees after the purchase and sale agreement, during the development and construction cycle, and throughout the warranty period.
When responding to the questions, explain the purpose and strategy for the program/initiative; describe what makes it innovative and how it improves the customer experience; demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement; and outline the initiative's effectiveness and results.
New! Upload a Microsoft Excel file containing the e-mails and names of 100 recent new home purchasers from your various projects/locales within the last 3 years who participated in the program. Home purchasers cannot be employees of the nominated company. You may use the same home purchaser list if entering the Home Builder of the Year categories. Your home purchasers will receive one BILD survey in total.
Riley Brethour Leadership Award (Pinnacle)
This award is presented to an individual who exemplifies outstanding and consistent professional achievement, philanthropy and leadership. The award is named after the late Riley Brethour, founder of PMA Brethour Realty, which today stands as one of North America's largest brokerages.
Stephen Dupuis CSR Award (Pinnacle)
This award is presented to a member company or individual committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate citizenship.
The Award is dedicated to and named after former BILD President and CEO Stephen Dupuis who passed away suddenly in 2011. Stephen championed many of BILD’s charitable community partnerships and BILD’s commitment to supporting the communities in which we all live and work.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
This Award is presented to a member-company that has exhibited leadership in BILD’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program. Through this program, BILD and its members resolve to proactively reduce discrimination, prejudice or racism by facilitating awareness, education and open discussion. The intent of this Award is to acknowledge organizations that have encouraged DEI in their businesses and have woven it into the fabric of their daily activities, the communities they create and our Industry overall.
Angelo DelZotto Fearless Innovator Award (Pinnacle)
This award is presented to a member company committed to pursuing innovation in all its forms: in process, technologies, and products, with the outcome of making positive impacts on people, communities, and business.
Beyond the physical, this award recognizes that innovation is as much about people and things, plus the everyday processes that can be created to better support them; and consequently, the industry and society. Applicants seek to inspire and recognize innovation understanding that the bigger, broader the impact the more powerful the innovation.
Best International Project of the Year
This award celebrates the international work of BILD members around the world. Open to any low- mid- or high-rise projects outside of the province of Ontario, projects that best combine excellence in design and marketing, and exemplify quality and innovation should be submitted.
The submission must include a site plan (where available), an amenity/main floor plan, marketing collateral and an exterior rendering of the project.
Best Purpose-Built Rental Project
This award recognizes the new mid-rise or high-rise purpose-built rental project that best combines excellence in design and marketing, excellence in resident experience and community programming, and that best exemplifies quality and innovation. Projects must be located in the GTA.
Project of the Year, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the new mid-rise or high-rise project that best combines excellence in design and marketing, and that best exemplifies quality and innovation. Projects must be located in the GTA.
Performance in other categories may be considered when judging. The submission must include a site plan, an amenity/main floor plan, sales centre information and an exterior rendering of the project.
Project of the Year, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the new low-rise project that best combines excellence in design and marketing, and that best exemplifies quality and innovation. Projects must be located in the GTA.
Performance in other categories may be considered when judging. The entry must include a site plan, an amenity/main floor plan, sales centre information and an exterior rendering of the project.
Best Community – Built
The award recognizes an outstanding completely built community that embodies the principles of the Province’s Places to Grow legislation. In recognition of the industry’s leadership in implementing Places to Grow, this award is open to projects/master-planned communities/phases of projects built since Places to Grow was passed in 2005 and to projects that preceded the legislation.
The award is open to all type of communities (high-rise, low-rise, urban, suburban, greenfield, brownfield, mixed use, etc.). Eligible communities must be vibrant and complete communities that make the best use of land and that allows live, work and play spaces; protect, conserve, enhance and wisely use the natural resources of land, air and water; and optimize existing and new infrastructure to support growth.
Best New Community - Planned/Under Development
The award recognizes an outstanding new community or project currently planned or under construction that embodies the principles of the Province’s Places to Grow legislation.
The award is open to all type of communities (high-rise, low-rise, urban, suburban, greenfield, brownfield, mixed use, etc.). Eligible communities must be compact, vibrant and complete communities that make the best use of land and that allows live, work and play spaces; protect, conserve, enhance and wisely use the natural resources of land, air and water; and optimize existing and new infrastructure to support growth.
Green Builder of the Year, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the mid/high-rise builder who best demonstrates outstanding leadership in green building practices.
Green Builder of the Year, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the low-rise builder who best demonstrates outstanding leadership in green building practices.
Home Builder of the Year, Mid/High-Rise
This award recognizes the mid-rise or high-rise builder who sets the standard for the rest of the industry through their professionalism and dedication to excellence.
They are a leader in improving the overall image of the industry through their commitment to quality, caring for their customers and staff and contributing to their community.
Home Builder of the Year, Low-Rise
This award recognizes the low-rise builder who sets the standard for the rest of the industry through their professionalism and dedication to excellence.
They are a leader in improving the overall image of the industry through their commitment to quality, caring for their customers and staff and contributing to their community.